Prescience International
Prescience International sees and delivers on the future vision of science and its desired societal impact. Headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley, Prescience International is where business meets science and results are achieved.
If you need to be there, we will get you there !
Prescience International is a firm dedicated to the commercialization and global adoption of science. With industry expertise in the future of technology markets, Prescience International creates, manages and develops centers of excellence in the form of research parks, research centers/incubators, research foundations, research institutes, and emerging companies.
Our Team brings a unique combination of business know-how and an astute understanding of how science translates to business wealth along the path to commercialization. Our core strength lies not only with this unique understanding but an approach that keeps our clients coming back when key growth milestones need to be achieved.
Our Clients are both private and public ranging from organizations and city agencies aiming to increase economic wealth and deepen industry impact to large corporations looking to establish entrepreneurial units and teams around the globe. We deliver value to our clients by providing the tools, expertise, networks and infrastructure needed to move them forward.