CORE Laboratory
CORE ChemLab Instruments
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BioCenter Instruments
Advisory Board

System Manager
This 2-day course lecture is taught using the latest version of VnmrJ (with some sessions at a data system).The course emphasizes how to set up and customize the system to accommodate the needs of individual sites. Spectrometer calibrations, software administration, and tools in the Solaris/RedHat software are addressed. It is desirable to have at least one person (the main user or system administrator) per site attending this course.
Prerequisites: Some experience with Varian NMR spectrometers is recommended.
Duration: 2 Days
Language: English
Training Location: San Jose BioCenter
Price: $1,000

A one-day course taught using the latest version of VnmrJ, covering optimization of automation performance and customization of experiments available for use with an automated NMR spectrometer system, specifically equipped with an autosampler. Some knowledge of macro writing is helpful but not necessary.
Prerequisites: Some experience with Varian NMR spectrometers is recommended.
Duration: 1 Day
Language: English
Training Location: San Jose BioCenter
Price: $500


LC Techniques & Troubleshooting
An introductory course on the techniques of liquid chromatography for the novice user. Topics include theoretical principles of high pressure liquid chromatography, basic method development, preparation, and troubleshooting and maintenance of state-of-the-art Varian HPLC systems.
� Learn how to ensure proper column, detector, and solvent selection for your samples
� Explore techniques on how to reduce the time of analysis
Duration: 2 Days
Language: English
Training Location: San Jose BioCenter
Price: $1,000

Contact Veronica Villalon at 408.960.3807 x249 or email [email protected] to get started or to request further information.

25% off Varian Training
Contact Veronica Villalon
for complete details
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