Business Support
The BioCenter works to provide each company with broad access and individualized introductions to key industry players, including targeted investors. It also works to provide both informal and formal opportunities for interaction with funders and others that help ventures build funding, exposure, partnerships and in-kind resources needed to grow their business to the next level. The following outlines some of the types of access the BioCenter provides:
- Online business portal with
o Executive Rolodex � an online mentor database of approximately 50 industry experts in regulatory, finance, marketing, development, etc... who provide pro bono assistance to BioCenter companies. As a BioCenter portfolio company, you are able to search the mentor database and select mentors to work with you. These mentors are especially useful if you have yet to fill key management roles. They also help bridge marketing and other gaps, and build vital contacts and resources.
o Reference Library � references, templates and information on various business items such as template contracts, financial spreadsheets, where to go for cheap market research, etc
o Online conference room and major equipment scheduler
o Chat room
- Media exposure
- Introductions to potential investors (individual introductions to VCs and angels; foundations; donors)
- Introductions to potential collaborators/partners
- Introductions to advisors (legal, regulatory, financial, tax, marketing, etc)
- Pro-bono office hours from legal sponsors (to help lower costs of each firms legal costs)
- Monthly lunches/events
- Industry exposure through BioCenter conferences and tours
- International collateral review
- Accounting advice and leads to other accounting, insurance, payroll and other services thru third party vendors
- Client interactions involving finance functions, including invoice reconciliations, vendor matters
- On-demand "Practice your pitch" sessions
- Monthly seminars with experts and peers on topics relevant to starting a business, critical topics for the drug and device development processes
- Promotion in BioCenter collateral and website
�The BioCenter gives us instant access to critical resources we need to grow. With legal, regulatory and marketing experts, experienced executives, venture capitalists and other investors, and many other key business resources, the BioCenter has everything I need to build my business.�
- Dr. Abi Abitorabi, President & CEO, GIRUS Life Sciences, Inc.